Empowered DIY - Diagnostic Review

You've been doing your books for awhile now, but want to be sure things are in order and on the right track.

Here's what a Diagnostic Review looks like:

  • We will start with a 30 minute introductory call where you can share your journey to date and let me know about any particular concerns.
  • On the call, I will walk you through how to share your accounting file with me and provide you with a list of any other documents I may need (latest bank statements, tax filings, etc).
  • In the following days/weeks I will be busy reviewing your accounting file, making note of issues that could be problematic and/or areas where improvements could be made.
  • We will finish with a 60 minute call to go over the results and suggested next steps.
  • All findings will be summarized in a written report sent immediately after the call.

*Note:  The above outline assumes you have been using Quickbooks as your accounting software.  While I am happy to review other accounting files, Quickbooks is where I have the most expertise.

$250.00 USD